The History of Art department is sponsoring a half-day symposium on Friday 4/4 from 1-5 in 308A Doe Library:

A symposium on the digital humanities to address such topics as: What is digital humanities? What is does it mean to engage with humanities digitally, to use digital tools for research and to present the results of your study in digital form? The digital world is not just a substitute for books and journals; it offers entirely new tools, formats, and types of access. Its audiences may be different, and authorship may be differently defined. What tools exist for these new forms of research? What are the challenges in terms of funding, sustaining, and collaborating on DH projects? Can the infrastructure that sustains our paper-based scholarship incorporate similar functions for digital work? What should the peer-review process be for digital research and publishing?

An agenda and keynote speaker bios are available on the History of Art department website.