DiRT Directory Joins centerNet and Unveils New Features and Integrations

DiRT Directory Logo

The DiRT Directory is a registry of digital research tools that draws upon the efforts on an international community of volunteers.  Over the last few months, the DiRT steering committee and editorial board, along with our partners at the City University of New York and the Agile Humanities Agency, have been hard at work finishing up a wide range of integrations and site improvements for DiRT.  Development work has been conducted with the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

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4/7 & 4/8: Digital Humanities Faire

Gallery of Spatial History Project at Stanford University http://web.stanford.edu/group/spatialhistory/cgi-bin/site/gallery.php

On April 7th and 8th, please join the Berkeley DH community for a special two-day Digital Humanities Faire. Over the past few years, the digital humanities community at Berkeley has grown exponentially across disciplines. This event will serve to connect established digital humanities scholars, interested graduate students, the libraries and support staff in discussions about methods, resources, and current projects. Please join us in conversation regarding the landscape and opportunities of digital humanities at UC Berkeley.

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3/26 Jennifer Stertzer Talk on the George Washington Financial Papers

George Washington's signature

On March 26, Jennifer Stertzer, Senior Editor of the Papers of George Washington and Lecturer at the University of Virginia, will be giving a talk on "The Washington Papers: Revealing George Washington and His World Through Traditional Scholarship and Modern Technology" from 12-1 PM in the D-Lab Convening Room (356B Barrows).

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Geospatial Analysis Series at the D-Lab, February 24 - March 16

Geospatial analysis, traditionally utilized in fields such as city planning, geography, and the environmental sciences, has been widely adopted as a digital humanities method.  Over the next few weeks, there will be numerous opportunities to receive discipline-specific perspectives on geospatial analysis and undertake some foundational training in these methods.

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