Lynn Cunningham, Principal Digital Curator at the Visual Resources Center, will be attending the NEH Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute on Advanced Challenges in Theory and Practice in 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites, co-hosted by University of Massachusetts Amherst and UCLA.   Participants will engage with issues facing scholars working with 3D content with an emphasis on the end user experience.  Participants will present their findings at a symposium at UCLA in 2016.

The Visual Resources Center (VRC) is currently undertaking two digital humanities collaborations with partners in the History of Art Department, one of which is directly related to 3D modeling:

This fall, DH Fellow Lisa Trever (Assistant Professor, History of Art) will be teaching an undergraduate seminar, History of Art: 192L: Mural Painting and the Ancient Americas.  Working with the VRC and the Archaeological Research Facility, the class will experiment with digital technologies for rendering digital models of ancient murals and for capturing site visits to murals in the Bay Area.  VRC Staff will provide training in photography techniques and equipment, image post-processing, metadata creation, online publishing, and guidance in creating 3D digital reconstructions of an archaeological site in Pañamarca, Peru.

The VRC is also collaborating with DH Fellow Elizabeth Honig (Associate Professor, History of Art) to develop an open-source, Drupal-based platform for building and sharing digital catalogue raisonnés.  With the support of a collaborative research grant from Digital Humanities at Berkeley, development work will begin this spring on reformulating the data collected in the Brughel wiki in Drupal.


Image: Lynn Cunningham (VRC), Jason Hosford (VRC), and Dan Edelstein (Stanford) at "Humanities 2.0: New Tools for the Digital Age" symposium