Harris section example

Ted Pena, Professor of Classics, seeks a developer, either experienced in or interested in learning D3.js, a Javascript library for data visualization. The developer will work to create an open source tool for visualizing a Harris matrix, a common archaeological diagram used for used for representing the stratigraphic sequence on archaeological sites around the world.

Working with Harris matrix XML files exported from desktop software, the developer will recreate this diagram in D3, allowing the viewer to zoom in and out of the diagram and access individual accession records. In addition to working with the principal investigator, the developer will consult with staff from Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Research IT, the Archaeological Research Facility, and an independent contractor with extensive programming experience over the course of the fall semester. In the spring, the independent contractor will connect the D3 Harris matrix to the database for the Palatine East Pottery Project (PEPP), a study of Roman pottery recovered in the American Academy in Rome’s Palatine East excavations in downtown Rome; some consultation with the developer may be required as part of this process.

Though prior experience with D3.js is most desirable, students with some prior programming experience (CS 61A or equivalent) and an eagerness to learn D3.js are also invited to apply. Because the project is intended to be open source and circulated in the archaeological community, creating clear documentation and well-commented code is a priority. The developer will have the opportunity to present the tool to visiting archaeologists during a spring workshop.

Interested applicants should apply using this webform. Please include your resume, a cover letter and links to previous work, if available.

Required Qualifications:

  • experience with programming (1 programming course, such as CS 61A or equivalent) and a strong desire to learn D3.js
  • ability to consistently meet deadlines and communicate progress
  • good communication skills and ability to work in a collaborative environment
  • enrolled as a student (undergraduate or graduate) at UC Berkeley

Desirable Qualifications:

  • experience with Javascript and D3.js
  • interest in archaeology and/or classics
  • interest in open source projects


  • detailed description of Harris Matrix Composer XML files (.hmc), their fields, and a map of how they relate to one another
  • parser for .HMC files to get them into an appropriate format for use in D3
  • Visualization of the three, provided matrices. Code should be clearly formatted and commented.
  • a D3 template for future Harris matrices


The student will receive a stipend of $4000 for completed work.