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DH Working Group Meeting
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Barrows 371
Join us for our next DH Working Group meeting on Thursday, March 7th from 2:10-3:15 in the D-Lab!
This week, Evan Muzzall will demonstrate how he uses RStudio to organize his research projects. RStudio is the premier integrated development environment for R. While it is best known for simplifying the coding process, it can also be used for managing data-intensive projects. Evan will discuss: 1) the design process, 2) methods for data importation and preprocessing, visualization, and significance testing, 3) document preparation, 4) presentation, and 5) collaboration. Specifically, he will share how RStudio can increase your productivity through organization of your to-do tasks, figures, tables, text, and dashboards and how to share code, data, and results with collaborators. He will also introduce a variety of tools and instructions to get started for each of these topics. 
All are welcome! No experience with R or coding is required.
About the DH Working Group
Regular meetings will be held at the same time and place on alternating Thursdays throughout the semester. 
The DH Working Group began in 2011 as a place to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations around topics in the Digital Humanities (broadly defined).  We welcome participants from all disciplinary backgrounds, beginners and experts in digital skills, students, faculty, and staff. The agenda for our biweekly meetings is participant driven, and we typically hold a variety of meetings, including project presentations, hackerspace-style open project days, and mashup meetings with other working groups. Our major project for the semester is planning the DH Faire, an event in the spring consisting of a faculty panel, a reception with poster presentations, and other events hosted by our partner groups.
The DH Working Group is sponsored by the Townsend Center for the Humanities and hosted in D-Lab. We extend a special invite to folks who are new to DH and wish to learn more. Please join us for good conversation, coffee, and treats!