Category: Archaeological Research Facility

Minding the Digital Gap: digitizing ceramic analysis methods in low-power computing communities

This project outlines ongoing efforts to “digitize” archaeological ceramic analysis methods used by the Taraco Archaeological Project in Chiripa, Bolivia. Chiripa is located on the southern shoreline of Lake Titicaca, home to a vibrant indigenous community, and the site of some of the oldest ceremonial and agricultural settlements in the southern Andes.

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Expanding "Cuneiform De-Coded"

This project proposes to expand on Eduardo Escobar’s (PhD Candidate, NES) “Cuneiform De-Coded” software, which analyzes base values and hidden meanings within ancient texts that utilize the cuneiform script—the world’s first writing system. Like Chinese, and other script-based languages, the cuneiform script concealed multiple meanings within a single sign; for example, the sign “A,” in addition to its phonetic value /a/ can mean “water” and “son”; “A” was also an element in dozens of compound sign combinations.

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The Book of the Dead in 3D: Mapping Texts and Images on Ancient Egyptian Objects

The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead is especially known in its two-dimensional version as recorded on funerary papyri. However, selections of these magical spells are also recorded on a series of other items of the tomb, in particular coffins. Thanks to a grant provided by the DH Department of UC Berkeley through the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and in cooperation with the Phoebe A.

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