Category: Art Practice

Greg Niemeyer

Born in Switzerland in 1967, Greg Niemeyer studied Classics and Photography. He started working with new media when he arrived in the Bay Area in 1992 and he received his MFA from Stanford University in New Media in 1997. At the same time, he founded the Stanford University Digital Art Center, which he directed until 2001, when he was appointed at UC Berkeley as Assistant Professor for New Media. At UC Berkeley, he is involved in the development of the Center for New Media, focusing on the critical analysis of the impact of new media on human experiences.

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Change and Stillness: Bodies and Gestures within Sensor Technology

This event is a combined open lab, talk, and live demonstration. Each 1.5 hour session is designed to showcase multi-disciplinary art making processes that utilize and engage with sensor technology. Live demonstrations will take place as well as an introduction to the history of sensor technology development at Berkeley.

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