Category: Digital Humanities at Berkeley

Adam G. Anderson

Dr. Adam G. Anderson ( joined UC Berkeley in 2017 as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Humanities at Berkeley. Since then he has worked as a post-doc lecturer in Digital Humanities and in Data Science. As an academic coordinator for Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Adam is co-author and designer of the Theory and Methods and Archives curriculum for the DigHum Minor and Certificate Program.

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Teddy Roland

Teddy Roland holds an MA in English from the University of Chicago. There he studied circuits of capital in American modernist poetry and their intersection with questions of poetic form. His humanistic work depends on natural language processing tools and machine learning in order to rethink and trace out the proliferation of poetic forms in magazine corpora. Teddy also works as a research assistant for a project on the American novel in the long Twentieth Century. He scrapes and curates the data and metadata of a textual database shared among researches at several institutions.

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Maelia DuBois

Maelia DuBois is the Assessment Fellow for Digital Humanities at Berkeley and a graduate student in History.For Digital Humanities, DuBois has designed fidelity/process and impact evaluation plans for multiple DH courses across disciplines. Her works helps DH at Berkeley to understand and assess the impact of the digital humanities on campus.DuBois' historical interests include Imperial Germany, Second Wave Colonialism, 19th Century Europe, Cultural History, Women's History, World War I, Exploration, and Militarism.

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Brendan Mackie

Brendan Mackie is the Consulting Coordinator for Digital Humanities at Berkeley and a graduate student in History.His DH interests and expertise include content analysis, network analysis, and large online archives.Mackie's historical work examines social life in Britain's long 18th century, particularly how people interacted with each other in rapidly growing cities. His past projects have analyzed coffeehouses and Christmas in this context. He is currently working on project about change ringing. 

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DH Faire: Poster Session and Reception

The Digital Humanities Faire is a time for the vibrant, interdisciplinary DH community at Berkeley to gather, share our work, and learn from each other. Learn more about other DH Faire festivities.

Researchers from a variety of disciplines will present their current research at the Morrison Library. The poster session is an excellent opportunity for early stage researchers to get feedback from a supportive community of peers.

Refreshments will be served.

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The Library and DH: Support Through Collaboration

This panel will highlight librarian and library staff support of past and present DH projects, including digital publication, database development, geographic information systems (GIS) and electronic literature projects. See other DH Faire festivities from April 11 - 13.

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