Category: Music

Sound and Music Computing with CNMAT Technologies

Explores the intersection of music and computers using a combination of scientific, technological, and artistic methodologies. Musical concerns within a computational frame are addressed through the acquisition of basic programming skills for the creation and control of digital sound. Will learn core concepts and techniques of computerbased music composition using the Cycling74/MaxMSP programming environment in combination with associated software tools and programming approaches created by the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies.

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Human-Machine Interactive Composition Using Machine Learning

We will develop a software program that interacts with human musicians to automatically co-author music in real time using machine learning. Our real-time interactive system contributes to and draws from already existing branches of study in music composition and computer science. From computer science, the system applies techniques from Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Machine Learning to analyze and generate musical content. Within the domain of music composition, our piece aims to develop an interactive digital framework for gesture-based music improvisation.

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Change and Stillness: Bodies and Gestures within Sensor Technology

This event is a combined open lab, talk, and live demonstration. Each 1.5 hour session is designed to showcase multi-disciplinary art making processes that utilize and engage with sensor technology. Live demonstrations will take place as well as an introduction to the history of sensor technology development at Berkeley.

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Situated Instrument Design for Musical Expression

The practice and theory of contextual instrument design for use in musical expression is explored. Students create new instruments and performance environments using a variety of physical interaction paradigms, programming practices, and musical processes emerging from the UC Berkeley Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT). Building on the methodologies established in Music 158A, the course develops aesthetic, analytic and technical skills through discussion, empirical study, and collaborative engagement.

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Locating Lost Identities: Mapping Italian opera audiences in Paris

This project examines the social life of the Italian opera in Paris during the 1830s and 1840s. The project focuses on an archival collection of letters written by subscribers to the administration of the Théâtre Italien gives the names, addresses, seat preferences, and social connections of patrons.

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(e)met: Human-machine Interactive Composition Using Machine Learning

Our goal is to make a computer program that interacts with human improvising musicians to automatically co-author music in real time using machine learning. This real-time interactive system will contribute to and draw from already existing branches of study in music composition and computer science. From computer science, the system will apply techniques from Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Machine Learning to analyze and generate musical content. Within the domain of music composition, our piece aims to develop an interactive digital framework for gesture-based music improvisation.

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Sound and Music Computing with CNMAT Technologies

Explore the intersection of music and computers using a combination of scientific, technological, and artistic methodologies. Musical concerns within a computational frame are addressed through the acquisition of basic programming skills for the creation and control of digital sound. Will learn core concepts and techniques of computer-based music composition using the Cycling74/MaxMSP programming environment in combination with associated software tools and programming approaches created by the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies.

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