Category: Research IT

The Book of the Dead in 3D. Visualizing the ancient Egyptian magic for the dead

During this year (AY 2017-2018), we have continued to build 3D visualizations of ancient Egyptian coffins and to progress in disseminating 3D models of previously unpublished ancient Egyptian coffins kept in the storage rooms of the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology (PAHMA) at UC Berkeley. We are also continuing the textual and iconographic analysis of the 3D models by creating interactive annotations on the models themselves.

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Creating Immersive, Interactive Environments for Engaging with Ancient Egyptian Coffins

Since 2015 and thanks to funding from two earlier collaborative research grants, I have been building 3D models of selected ancient Egyptian coffins from the Egyptian collection housed at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology. This category of artefacts is central for the study and understanding of the ancient Egyptian funerary religion, literature and iconography. Coffins were elite items for protecting a mummy and enabling the deceased’s soul to travel in the netherworld and therefore they were richly decorated inside and outside by scribes and artists of the time.

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Rick Jaffe

Rick is a consultant for the Research Data Management program, a partnership of Research IT and the Library. As a research data management consultant, Rick supports researchers in all aspects of their work, from data management plans and data organization strategies to field collection, lab and team workflows, and secure computing and storage.

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Digital Humanities Consultation Mixer

Join the Library, Educational Technology Services, Digital Humanities at Berkeley, the D-Lab, the Arts and Humanities Division, and Research IT for a morning mixer. We will provide a brief overview of our services for digital researchers in the humanities and offer drop-in consultations. Upcoming opportunities for training and funding will also be discussed. This event will be held in the new Academic Innovation Studio, a space where faculty can come together to discuss teaching and learning innovation. Coffee and bagels will be served. 

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Quinn Dombrowski

Quinn Dombrowski is the Digital Humanities Coordinator in Research IT at UC Berkeley, and the lead developer for the DiRT (digital research tools) directory, and the DHCommons digital humanities project / collaborator matching hub. She holds a BA/MA in Slavic Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and an MLS from the University of Illinois.

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Berkeley Prosopography Services

Berkeley Prosopography Services (BPS) provides a new set of tools for prosopography - the identification of individuals and study of their interactions - in support of humanities research. Prosopography is an discipline well-served by digital tools; it is a humanities discipline in which the computational and data-driven methods at home in “Big Data” research can transform scholarly workflows, regardless of the size of the datasets. BPS is based upon re-usable infrastructure, supporting generalized web services for corpus management, social network analysis, and visualization.

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