Category: Lecture

The History of Higher Education in California: A Big Data Approach

In his talk at Doe Library, Zach Bleemer will discuss how he has used data science - thousands of computer-processed versions of annual registers, directories, and catalogs -  to reconstruct a near-complete database of all students, faculty, and courses at four-year universities in California in the first half of the 20th century, including the UC system.

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"DH by Design: Alternative Origin Stories for the Digital Humanities." A DH at Berkeley Summer Institute Keynote Address by Tara McPherson, Associate Professor of Critical Studies at USC

The story of the digital humanities is often narrated at a decades-long history of the computational manipulation of print.  What alternative histories are concealed by such a story? How might we imagine DH differently if we move beyond a focus on text toward multimodal expression and design?  What audiences might such work reach? This talk will trace some of the alternate histories of DH, paying particular attention to the visual and the political by engaging the work of feminists, artists, and scholars of color.

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Change and Stillness: Bodies and Gestures within Sensor Technology

This event is a combined open lab, talk, and live demonstration. Each 1.5 hour session is designed to showcase multi-disciplinary art making processes that utilize and engage with sensor technology. Live demonstrations will take place as well as an introduction to the history of sensor technology development at Berkeley.

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The Library and DH: Support Through Collaboration

This panel will highlight librarian and library staff support of past and present DH projects, including digital publication, database development, geographic information systems (GIS) and electronic literature projects. See other DH Faire festivities from April 11 - 13.

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DH Fellows Lecture Series: Data Science and Digital Humanities Education, Cathryn Carson and Rochelle Terman

The Digital Humanities Fellows Lecture Series begins on Friday, March 18th. The DH Fellows Lecture Series brings together the campus DH community for the scholarly presentation and informal discussion of specific aspects of digital humanities practice. Each meeting a different Fellow presents their ongoing work before the conversation is opened to hands-on experimentation in addition to questions, and comments. Intended to further the critical understanding and practice of the digital humanities at Berkeley, these lectures are intended for both existing and prospective DH practitioners.

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No Legacy || Opening Symposium

To celebrate the opening of the e-lit exhibit No Legacy || Literatura electrónica at UC Berkeley’s Doe Library, please join us in two round tables discussing critical approaches to electronic literature (at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science), followed by an opening tour of the exhibition space (Brown Gallery, Doe Library). In the afternoon, at 5:30 (at the Morrison Library), we’ll have an artist spotlight where two digital poets will offer readings of their work.

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DH Faire: Faculty Round Table, "DH as Process"

The Digital Humanities Faire is a time for the vibrant, interdisciplinary DH community at Berkeley to gather, share our work, and learn from each other.  Join us after the talk at the DH poster session and reception in Morrison Library. Learn more about other DH Faire events.

DH Fellows Lisa Wymore, Rita Lucarelli, and Alex Saum-Pascual
Facilitator: Nicholas de Monchaux

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