Friday, January 29 | 12 – 1 PM | D-Lab Collaboratory
Help us plan Spring 2016! Fill out this Doodle with your general availability on Fridays.
Two of our members will be workshopping their projects and are looking for feedback from a mix of disciplines and methods.
Janet Torres, PhD student, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Janet is attempting to measure the impact of having a diverse economy on resilience to change. She is looking at the Republic of Cuba from about 1990-present. She is currently working with nightlight data, demographics, and economic data, but wants to think through other possible sources of data. Janet writes: “I will present the phases, basic hypotheses, assumptions, and data components (still working on these but have some ideas) of my research. I need help finding a tone and voice. Because my work is interdisciplinary I am having a hard time finding the perspective I give. For example, there is some history involved in how a city is shaped and how a region around that city functions, how much of the discipline must I learn to speak of historical aspects accurately? How can I adjust my tone to reflect the amount of the discipline I know and how it is correlated to the subject I am going to explore in-depth?
Basically, the age old question. If my field is a mixture of fields, what IS my field? A topic I’m sure the DH group is familiar with!”
Nell Cloutier, PhD candidate, Music
Nell is giving a job talk next Monday in the Music department of Boston University, and needs feedback. Part of the talk, and the part she’ll try out on the working group, will be about her digital humanities work for her dissertation and her proposed book and social mapping project. Nell is currently writing her final chapter, which explores the social, political, and geographical networks of audience members at the Théâtre Italien during the 1830s. She currently directs a team of undergraduates in a digital humanities project that combines maps, social networks, and music history to develop a new sense of the social connections and the psychic geography of Paris as experienced through musical life, and plans to expand this project to include other institutions as she writes her book, titled The Musical Juste-milieu.
All feedback would be helpful, as will anything that gives Nell practice talking – ask questions about musicology as a discipline! ask questions about DH aspects! ask questions about how this fits into larger projects!