Event date
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Event time
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Event location
Event sponsor

In the 2015-16 academic year, we will be hosting a Literature and Digital Humanities Townsend working group, which we warmly invite you all to join. This working group will assume absolutely no prior knowledge of, or experience with, the digital humanities, and will be aimed at an introductory level — our goals are to enable group members to familiarize themselves with some of the discourse, ideas, debates and tools relevant to current work in digital humanities, and hopefully to think about ways in which they might want to use digital or quantitative methods in their own research. We are also lucky enough to have the support of DH @ Berkeley, who can provide additional individual training and project support.

We invite you to our next session, a talk by Prof. Scott Saul (Berkeley, English) titled “To Be Innovative, Be Old-Fashioned: The Lessons of Building Richard Pryor’s Peoria.” This will take place in Wheeler 300 on Tues., February 9th, with refreshments served immediately before the talk. We are excited to offer a related training session, also in February; check back soon for more details!

For the rest of our Spring 2015 schedule, please visit What’s Next? If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this group, please email berkeley.lit.dh@gmail.com.