Alexandra Saum-Pascual is Assistant Professor of Spanish, teaching Post Civil-War and Contemporary Spanish Literature and Culture (20th and 21st Centuries). She is also part of the Executive Committee of the Berkeley Center for New Media. She received her Ph.D in Spanish at the University of California, Riverside and completed a Masters of Spanish and Foreign Language Pedagogy at the University of Delaware.
Saum-Pascual's research expands on the relationship between literature and digital technologies, questioning what this means for contemporary literary experimentalism. By applying a methodological scope coming from the fields of New Media and Electronic Literature, she offers a unique contribution to the field of Digital Humanities in Spanish, and to Spanish literary and cultural studies overall.
She is currently completing her first monograph, The Trace of the Digital: Post-Web Literature in Spain, an interdisciplinary study on the influence of electronic writing technologies on both printed and born-digital books.
Professor Saum-Pascual’s work has been published in The Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, The Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Letras Hispanas, and Caracteres: Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital, among others.