Rita-Marie Conrad
Areas of specialization: digital pedagogy, learner engagement, technology-infused curriculum development

Areas of specialization: digital pedagogy, learner engagement, technology-infused curriculum development
Jean is the first Program Manager at AIS, which opened September 21, 2013. Jean helps coordinate the space as well as develop and implement growth and outreach strategies on behalf of the partners who provide service in the AIS. Jean comes to Berkeley from San Francisco's famed Exploratorium where she functioned as a Director for Digital Learning in their Institute for Research and Learning providing coordination and management of their educator professional development programs.
Josué Meléndez Rodríguez is a Doctoral Fellow in Social Welfare and the Qualitative Research Lead for D-Lab at UC Berkeley. His work focuses on understanding and impacting social wellbeing within and through higher education. Josué came to Berkeley with a practice background, and his engagement with research officially began with doctoral studies.
Amy joins UCB from the University of Michigan where she was the Research Data Curation Librarian. Amy has a joint appointment with the Library and Research IT and has desks in the library Data Lab (Doe 189) and Warren Hall.
Evan earned his PhD in Biological Anthropology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale where he focused on spatial patterns of skeletal and dental variation in two large necropoles of Iron Age Central Italy (1st millennium BC). His current research focuses on how environmental and cultural influences affect "normal" skeletal and dental developmental trajectories and machine learning. He is the Instructional Services Lead at the D-Lab and teaches several of the R workshop trainings.
Lara Wolfe manages the logistics and operations of the Berkeley Center for New Media, an interdisciplinary research center that works at the intersection of the arts, technology, and humanities. The BCNM seeks to shape new technologies for the public good by providing a critical analysis of new media.
Stacy is the Literatures and Digital Humanities Librarian at UC Berkeley as well as a doctoral candidate in Ethnic American literature at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is a member of the Scholarly Communication Expertise Group at UC Berkeley, serves on the editorial board for C&RL News, and reads for the New England Review literary magazine. Stacy has been a librarian at Middlebury College in Vermont and has several years of experience in instructional technology.
Rick is a consultant for the Research Data Management program, a partnership of Research IT and the Library. As a research data management consultant, Rick supports researchers in all aspects of their work, from data management plans and data organization strategies to field collection, lab and team workflows, and secure computing and storage.
Marti Hearst is a Professor in the School of Information and EECS at UC Berkeley. She develops algorithms and tools that combine natural language processing and user interface design to support research efforts in the digital humanities. She is Vice President of the Association for Computational Linguistics, and is a member of the CHI Academy and a Fellow of the ACM.
Dr. Adam G. Anderson (admndrsn@berkeley.edu) joined UC Berkeley in 2017 as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Humanities at Berkeley. Since then he has worked as a post-doc lecturer in Digital Humanities and in Data Science. As an academic coordinator for Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Adam is co-author and designer of the Theory and Methods and Archives curriculum for the DigHum Minor and Certificate Program.