Category: Pedagogy

The Berkeley Revolution

"The Berkeley Revolution" is a digital history website that dramatizes, through curated archives of primary documents from the time, the story of Berkeley's political and cultural transformation in the late-60s and 1970s. It was created primarily by Cal undergraduates, with the supervision of Professor Scott Saul, through an honors seminar in American Studies. Six research projects, with 300 primary source documents attached to them, were launched with the first iteration of the class in 2017; more projects will be launched with future iterations of the class.

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Digital Life Project

“The Digital Life Project” aims to reframe how we define digital humanities at UC Berkeley by enabling the investigation of source materials primarily focused on racism and racial violence and subsequently replicating this framework for other activist efforts.  “The Digital Life Project” is a model that emerged out of faculty collaborative research and digital humanities pedagogy that is supported by the D-Lab, an organization that works closely with the Digital Humanities at Berkeley Initiative as a partner.

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The Promise of Cinema

This website provides a research hub for those interested in early film theory. It serves as a supplement to the sourcebook The Promise of Cinema: German Film Theory, 1907-1933, which brings together hundreds of texts by theorists, intellectuals, and filmmakers, documenting the early twentieth century’s efforts to assimilate modernity’s most powerful medium. Users will find a collation of German film-theoretical publications before 1933, links to films as well as suggestions for researching and teaching Weimar cinema.

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Digital/Decolonial: Humanities Methods in Ethnic Studies

This pedagogy project seeks to integrate approaches to and tools from the Digital Humanities into the Ethnic Studies undergraduate curriculum. In particular, this work will explore incorporating digital approaches into Ethnic Studies 101B: Humanities Methods in Ethnic Studies, a mandatory undergraduate methods course in the Chicano/Latino Studies, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, Native American Studies, and Comparative Ethnic Studies majors.

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The Future of Memory: Jewish Culture in the Digital Age

The Future of Memory: Jewish Culture in the Digital Age is a new project of The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life that includes an installation, exhibition, and digital research lab in which museum professionals, scholars, students, and the public, discuss the meaning of memory and the many facets of digital history.


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Political Science 239T - An Introduction to Computational Tools and Techniques

This course will provide graduate students the critical technical skills necessary to conduct research in computational social science and digital humanities, introducing them to the basic computer literacy, programming skills, and application knowledge that students need to be successful in further methods work.

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Milton Revealed

Milton Revealed is a collaborative project to collect audio-visual materials related to John Milton and his work, to re-examine his relation to theatricality, and to develop teaching approaches to Milton that use performance across a variety of media. Our principal concern is to enhance the appeal of Milton to a broad audience by such dynamic approaches of all kinds.

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Shakespeare's Staging

Shakespeare's Staging explores the history of Shakespeare performance through images, videos, essays and bibliographies. The site is designed to be a resource for teachers and students of Shakespeare as well as for performers and directors of the plays. The audio-visual collection includes materials spanning from Shakespeare's original stage all the way through contemporary productions, and focuses on the many ways performance spaces can be used to realize Shakespeare's texts.

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