Category: Tool development

Digital Life Project

“The Digital Life Project” aims to reframe how we define digital humanities at UC Berkeley by enabling the investigation of source materials primarily focused on racism and racial violence and subsequently replicating this framework for other activist efforts.  “The Digital Life Project” is a model that emerged out of faculty collaborative research and digital humanities pedagogy that is supported by the D-Lab, an organization that works closely with the Digital Humanities at Berkeley Initiative as a partner.

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Digital Intermedia Collaborative Platform

Adrian Freed and Lisa Wymore are working together with a small team of creative engineers and artists to make a digital platform that has a low threshold of entry. The system would allow people interested in embodied actions, gesture, sensation, bodily expression, etc. to enter the space and build digital instruments that are activated by a variety of sensor and camera based inputs.

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Res Romanae: University of California, Berkeley Roman Material Culture Laboratory

RES ROMANAE: University of California, Berkeley Roman Material Culture Research Laboratory serves as the portal for reporting the activities and presenting the research results obtained by the members of the Berkeley Roman Material Culture Research Group, an informal grouping of faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students associated with UC Berkeley whose research interests focus on the investigation of the material culture of the Roman world.  RES ROMANAE presents professional profiles of the group members, a description of the UC Berke

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Berkeley Prosopography Services

Berkeley Prosopography Services (BPS) provides a new set of tools for prosopography - the identification of individuals and study of their interactions - in support of humanities research. Prosopography is an discipline well-served by digital tools; it is a humanities discipline in which the computational and data-driven methods at home in “Big Data” research can transform scholarly workflows, regardless of the size of the datasets. BPS is based upon re-usable infrastructure, supporting generalized web services for corpus management, social network analysis, and visualization.

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Brueghel Family Research Website

This project is as a wiki-based catalogue of the paintings and drawings by Jan Brueghel, his workshop, and his imitators. This includes a corpus of perhaps 500-600 works that are entirely or largely the work of Jan himself, and hundreds more copies and variants. In the wiki, each of these objects has its own page with an image and full cataloging data and bibliography; behind each of these pages, a discussion page allows other facts and opinions to be added.

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