The DH project directory is a listing of digital humanities work at Berkeley. Project pages are good for raising the visibility of your work and connecting to collaborators, both on- and off-campus. Anyone with a UC Berkeley affiliation can submit a project. After submitting an initial (brief) application for a project page, project owners will be able to edit and update their project information via the DH at Berkeley at website. Projects that are complete or are no longer affiliated with UC Berkeley will be archived at the end of each semester.  Browse current projects

Creating a Page

To request an account, please fill out our webform. 

Please allow 2 working days for content review and account creation. If your project is approved for inclusion in the Digital Humanities at Berkeley project directory, you will receive an email confirmation and a link to your new page.

Maintaining Your Page


1) Log in to with your CalNet credentials
2) Navigate to your project page
3) Click on the ‘Edit’ tab (Note: this will only appear if you are logged in)
4) Update relevant information
5) Click the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom of the screen to preview changes. Click the ‘Save’ button to confirm changes.


Questions? Email for support.

Resource Type
Last updated: Jul 31, 2015