The Digital Humanities consulting service, offered by Research IT in partnership with the Division of Arts and Humanities, provides consultation for UC Berkeley PIs who are applying for internal or external grant funding. Depending on the needs of the individual project, digital humanities consultants may be able to assist in the following ways:

  • Helping PIs survey the landscape by providing pointers to similar projects and initiatives
  • Connecting PIs to potential collaborators within the broad international digital humanities community
  • Discussing options for the tools and platforms that will be used in project development, and providing technical prose for the grant proposal
  • Facilitating consultation with other campus support groups, including the Research Data Management team, the Library, and Educational Technology Services
  • Providing feedback on draft grant applications in advance of the due date

Please send an email to digitalhumanities [at] berkeley [dot] edu with as much information as you have available (e.g. name and URL of the grant program you're applying to, deadline, what kind of help you're looking for, and a brief description of your project) and a digital humanities consultant will contact you shortly.

Resource Type
Last updated: Jul 29, 2015