Category: Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group

Geospatial Analysis Series at the D-Lab, February 24 - March 16

Geospatial analysis, traditionally utilized in fields such as city planning, geography, and the environmental sciences, has been widely adopted as a digital humanities method.  Over the next few weeks, there will be numerous opportunities to receive discipline-specific perspectives on geospatial analysis and undertake some foundational training in these methods.

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Stuart Dunn (King's College London) to Visit the DH Working Group on October 27th

DH @ Berkeley and the Digital Humanities Working Group are pleased to welcome Stuart Dunn (King's College London) for a discussion entitled: "Points, lines, cells, polygons: What does "data" mean to a humanist?" Monday, October 27th, 1:00 - 2:00 PM, D-Lab Convening Room (356 Barrows)


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