Category: D-Lab

DH Consultant Stephanie Moore on Learning Drupal and Design Thinking

Stephanie Moore photo

Stephanie Moore has joined the Digital Humanities at Berkeley staff as a consultant. Stephanie is a seventh-year Ph.D. student in the English department writing her dissertation on allegory and mnemotechnics in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. She will primarily be consulting with the numerous Drupal-based digital humanities projects on campus, as well as running Drupal workshops and supporting the Drupal Developers' Circle working group.

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4/7 & 4/8: Digital Humanities Faire

Gallery of Spatial History Project at Stanford University

On April 7th and 8th, please join the Berkeley DH community for a special two-day Digital Humanities Faire. Over the past few years, the digital humanities community at Berkeley has grown exponentially across disciplines. This event will serve to connect established digital humanities scholars, interested graduate students, the libraries and support staff in discussions about methods, resources, and current projects. Please join us in conversation regarding the landscape and opportunities of digital humanities at UC Berkeley.

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D-Lab Expands Drupal Offerings with a New Working Group and Upcoming Workshop Series

Drupal, an open-source platform for building websites is a useful tool for many projects looking to build highly customized sites without writing custom code.  In the academic context, Drupal is often used for building interactive sites for displaying research data.  These sites can be used for public facing sites, such as the Dickinson College Commentaries.

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Interdisciplinary Working Group for Computational Text Analysis Formed at the D-Lab

Text analysis is just one of a variety of methods at the disposal of digital humanists. With the application of computational methods, scholars can perform "distant reading" (Franco Moretti) or "macroanalysis" (Matthew Jockers) of large collections of text, such as a corpus of 2,958 19th century British novels. Robert K.

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Discovering digital humanities on campus

Campus resources can be both exciting and dizzying. As a new graduate student at UC Berkeley, I spent most of my first semester lost in a sea of academic resources, departments, research centers, and events. I realize now that many of my meaningful connections I made revolved around the burgeoning community of digital humanities here at UC Berkeley.

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