Category: New Course Grants

Fall 2015 Digital Humanities Courses

We are pleased to announce the first set of courses supported by Digital Humanities at Berkeley New Course Component grants. These classes showcase the innovative ways that instructors have embedded digital humanities skills into disciplinary practices and offer students the opportunity to work with a variety of digital tools and methods. Instructors will be collaborating with campus partners, such as the Archaeological Resource Facility (ARF), the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), and the Visual Resources Center (VRC).

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Digital Humanities at Berkeley Grant Awards in Collaborative Research and New Courses

Digital Humanities at Berkeley is pleased to announce grant awards inthe areas of Collaborative Research and New Courses. Digital humanities consulting is available to all researchers, regardless of their funding status. This project is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon grant: Capacity Building and Integration in the Digital Humanities.  View all Digital Humanities at Berkeley funded projects and courses.

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