Category: Postdoctoral Scholars

Laura K. Nelson

 I just started as an Assistant Professor in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Northeastern University. I have held positions as a postdoctoral research fellow at Digital Humanities @ Berkeley, the Berkeley Institute for Data Science, and the Management and Organizations Department in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and was also a resea

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Justin Underhill

Justin Underhill is a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Humanities at UC Berkeley. He earned his PhD in Art History from Berkeley, completing a dissertation, “World Art and the Illumination of Virtual Space,” that uses advanced software to reconstruct the architectural contexts in which works of art were displayed. Such research explores the relation between pictures and the lighting of the space in which they were originally viewed.

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Adam G. Anderson

Dr. Adam G. Anderson ( joined UC Berkeley in 2017 as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Humanities at Berkeley. Since then he has worked as a post-doc lecturer in Digital Humanities and in Data Science. As an academic coordinator for Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Adam is co-author and designer of the Theory and Methods and Archives curriculum for the DigHum Minor and Certificate Program.

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