Currently open grant programs:
- Collaborative Research
- New Courses
Application deadline: April 22, 2016
Information session: February 22, 2016
Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Digital Humanities at Berkeley is issuing a request for proposals with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. There are several types of grants available. Please see the links below for details on each type.
- New Course Component Grants - Available to professors and to SOE and continuing lecturers for developing new digital components for existing courses. Grant recipients will receive a summer buy out for summer 2016 in order to develop the course components.
- New Course Development Grants - Available to professors and to SOE and continuing lecturers. Funding for new courses is for up to $60,000.
- Digital Humanities Methods
- Special Topics in Digital Humanities
- Critical Perspectives in Digital Humanities
- Collaborative Research Grants - These grants absolutely require an academic and a non-academic partner. Proposals without collaborative partners will not be considered.
- Available to undergraduate and graduate students (up to $5,000) and
- Faculty members, librarians, and museum curators (up to $10,000)
Claudia von Vacano (Digital Humanities at Berkeley, Project Director) and Quinn Dombrowski (Digital Humanities Coordinator, Research IT), email: or use our contact form.