Category: preservation

Digital Humanities for Tomorrow: Opening the Conversation about DH Project Preservation

By Rachael G. Samberg & Stacy Reardon

After intensive research, hard work, and maybe even fundraising, you launch your digital humanities (DH) project into the world. Researchers anywhere have instant access to your web app, digital archive, data set, or project website. But what will happen to your scholarly output in five years? In twenty-five? What happens if

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On Preserving Digital Culture & Digital Projects

As someone who studies history, I often think about how our understanding of the past is shaped by our capability to remember and also to preserve.  In my past experience at the colonial archives, I was thrilled to look through handwritten correspondence, but I always felt that my historical interpretation was like guessing at the image of an infinite-numbered piece puzzle while only possessing a few of its pieces.

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