Crowdfunding The Doctor: 3D Modeling for Researchers and the Public at the Hearst Museum

Isis detail from the Doctor

The Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology is raising funds through October 15th to bring The Doctor, a gargantuan Egyptian coffin lid, to the public for the Museum’s grand re-opening in 2016. The 2,500 year-old stone coffin lid weighs three tons and is a particularly rare item in the Heart’s collections.

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DH Consultant Stephanie Moore on Learning Drupal and Design Thinking

Stephanie Moore photo

Stephanie Moore has joined the Digital Humanities at Berkeley staff as a consultant. Stephanie is a seventh-year Ph.D. student in the English department writing her dissertation on allegory and mnemotechnics in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. She will primarily be consulting with the numerous Drupal-based digital humanities projects on campus, as well as running Drupal workshops and supporting the Drupal Developers' Circle working group.

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Seeking Student D3 Developer for Harris Matrix Project

Harris section example

Ted Pena, Professor of Classics, seeks a developer, either experienced in or interested in learning D3.js, a Javascript library for data visualization. The developer will work to create an open source tool for visualizing a Harris matrix, a common archaeological diagram used for used for representing the stratigraphic sequence on archaeological sites around the world.

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Introducing the Literature and Digital Humanities Working Group

As of Fall 2015, we are pleased to introduce the Literature and Digital Humanities working group, which we warmly invite you all to join. The group assumes absolutely no prior knowledge of, or experience with, the digital humanities, and is aimed at an introductory level — we will be offering a combination of faculty project presentations and hands-on DH trainings.

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