Berkeley Scholarship Nominated for DH Awards

Two works of scholarship from members of the UC Berkeley digital humanities community have been nominated for Digital Humanities Awards. Richard Pryor’s Peoria, a digital resource that accompanies English Professor Scott Saul’s recent book, Becoming Richard Pryor, was nominated in the category of “Best Use of DH for Public Engagement”.

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D-Lab Expands Drupal Offerings with a New Working Group and Upcoming Workshop Series

Drupal, an open-source platform for building websites is a useful tool for many projects looking to build highly customized sites without writing custom code.  In the academic context, Drupal is often used for building interactive sites for displaying research data.  These sites can be used for public facing sites, such as the Dickinson College Commentaries.

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DH + Data Visualization: Bay Area DH Meets with the D3.js User Group

The Bay Area Digital Humanities Meetup co-hosted an event on data visualization with the Bay Area D3 User Group in January.  D3.js is a robust Javascript library for building interactive data visualizations on the web. Utilized by a variety of users in academy, industry, design and journalism, the D3 community is a rich source for interdisciplinary interaction.

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A Constellation of Conversations: Wednesday Noontime PopUp Exhibitions at the Magnes Collection

John Fox at the Magnes Collection

As the post-doctoral scholar working at the Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life (2121 Allston Way) I have the enormous privilege of working with many members of the extended Bay Area academic community in organizing a series of informative Wednesday noontime lectures. These “PopUp Exhibitions” are one of the newest additions to the Magnes’s comprehensive list of programs for the Berkeley academic community and the public at large.

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Digital Humanities at Berkeley Funded Grants

We are pleased to announce the Digital Humanities at Berkeley funded grants. There was an overwhelming response to the call, particularly in the area of collaborative research. Research IT looks forward to continuing to support both funded and unfunded projects with consulting and technical assistance. All collaboration greatly benefits the Digital Humanities at Berkeley program as outlined by the Andrew W. Mellon grant: Capacity Building and Integration in the Digital Humanities.

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