Deborah Anderson (Linguistics) Awarded NEH Grant for Encoding Historical and Minority Scripts

Deborah Anderson, a researcher in UC Berkeley’s Linguistics department and director of the Script Encoding Initiative, has been awarded a Preservation and Access Research and Development grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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DiRT Directory Visits King’s College London: Reflections on Software Sustainability in DH

On November 12 - 13, I had the opportunity to represent DiRT Directory at a workshop on user interface and software sustainability in the humanities and social sciences, hosted by the Center for e-Research (CeRch) at the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London.

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Interdisciplinary Working Group for Computational Text Analysis Formed at the D-Lab

Text analysis is just one of a variety of methods at the disposal of digital humanists. With the application of computational methods, scholars can perform "distant reading" (Franco Moretti) or "macroanalysis" (Matthew Jockers) of large collections of text, such as a corpus of 2,958 19th century British novels. Robert K.

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