Berkeley faculty, students and staff attend summer digital humanities training

Twelve faculty members, graduate students, and staff from UC Berkeley joined 600 colleagues from around the world for the 2014 Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at the University of Victoria in British Columbia. While individual faculty members and students have attended DHSI in the past, this was the first year that Digital Humanities @ Berkeley acted as a co-sponsor of the event (through the generosity of the Office of the Dean of Arts and Humanities, and the D-Lab). This sponsorship allowed affiliated individuals to attend for free, or with reduced tuition costs.

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Enroll now! Fall 2014: Digital Approaches to History Course

This upcoming Fall 2014, Professor Nicolas Tackett, ACLS Digital Innovation Fellow, will lead a research seminar on digital approaches to history. This course is open to undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines. This will be a fantastic opportunity to familiarize yourself with digital methodologies in history and other disciplines and incoporate digital approaches to your own research interests.

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April 23, 2014 HSSA Humanities in the Age of Technology Panel

The Humanities and Social Sciences Association (HSSA) is very happy to announce its second event on technology this year.
Advances in technology have long been changing the way scholars work in terms of teaching, research, and administrative duties. The HSSA is well aware that tomorrow’s scholars will work in a different world than that of today, and is therefore taking concrete steps to offer opportunities to learn about the uses of technology relevant to teaching and research in the humanities and social sciences.

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